vintage photo of Dutch's Corner

A Bit of Our History

Manchester, a town founded by German immigrants, has been the home of cigar and sewing factories, several inns, taverns, and restaurants. Piecing together our history, the Hotel was known as the Old Franklin House which was operated by Arch Buchman, grandfather of Julia Berwager. Julia still has the original cast iron pans used in the restaurant kitchen. Later, CV Greifenstein opened as a gas station and electrical/appliance shop. Tires were repaired and oil was changed in our existing kitchen. In the 1920's an addition to the building connected the gas station and the bar operated by the Erb family to Doc's barbershop. The old barbershop became the Dutch Treat Ice Cream Shoppe. Circa 1938, Harry Gettier and Harvey Burgoon took over operation of the gas station. When Mr. Gettier passed away, the gas station equipment was cleared out.

In 1951, after Mr. Greifenstein passed away, the shop was cleared out for George & Isabelle Harman's Flower Shop. We believe this is when the name Dutch Corner became established. George & Mildred Essich opened the restaurant in 1953. Over the years the proprietors were Pat Masimore, Jake & Ann Miller, Faith & Dean Fuhrman, then Susan Nickerson, now Susan Rill, from December 2000 to the present. Susan expresses her gratitude to Marian & Jack Nash of the Greifenstein family for their encouraging mentorship. Our alley has been named "Graffie Lane" in remembrance of

Photo: Marian's father, CV Greifenstein.

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